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Why Cant I Go with My Fiancée to the K-1 Visa Interview at the US Embassy?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests we are discussing the K-1 Visa interview. I sometimes get this question; Americans get a little bit frustrated and they say to me: "Why can't I go to the K-1 Visa interview?"

Long story short is it is the policy of the US Embassy that you can't go. Basically the only person that can go is the applicant. In the past, the reasoning behind this was security. They basically didn't want anybody that wasn't relevant to the proceeding at that interview. Here recently, they have mostly been citing COVID. They want as few people in the facility, only necessary folks due to the situation involving COVID-19. So those are the two main reasons. First was security and we dealt with that for a number of years where folks weren't allowed to attend the interview. There was a time where they were definitely much more lax on the rules going back from even 2007 and 2008 I remember things were a lot more lax than now. Then going back even further folks could attend the interview. 

Quite frankly, my opinion is it is not particularly useful for anyone other than the applicant to be there. The other thing is in my opinion is not a great idea for the American counterpart to be there in the first place because in my opinion you can end up in kind of a trap where they may want to put you through an extensive interview called The Stokes interview effectively and basically grill you on ‘do you know each other?’ and in my experience, it is much less likely if both people aren't present. 

So yeah you can't go for security purposes but the better way to look at it is do you want to anyway and in my opinion the answer to that is No.