Credit Where Credit Is Due Regarding Tourism In Thailand?

This article goes into some positive thoughts on the Government in Thailand especially regarding the recent success of Thai tourism to which the Government can be attributed in many ways.

Upcoming Thai Holidays And Immigration Closure

A talk on May public holidays in Thailand specifically for those who may have visas to renew at Immigration.

"Six Countries, One Destination" Tourism Initiative In ASEAN?

This talk goes into a pilot program proposed by Thailand to promote tourism in the region which was also recently discussed with Brunei.

American Arrested For "Assault And Theft" In Thailand?

This is another talk on the issue of "foreigners behaving badly" in Thailand against which Thai Immigration and Thai Police Enforcement are taking very seriously.

Thai Authorities Not Concerned About "Visa Abuse"?

This talk goes into Thai Immigration specifically that the personnel seem more proactive now even though the system now includes biometrics and other new technology.

Are Fewer "WEF Tourists" In Thailand A Bad Thing?

A talk regarding tourism in Thailand which according to the WEF has dropped in ranking, even though it is actually not any concern of the WEF.

"The World's Biggest Tourism Spenders" Come From Where?

A talk to give an overview regarding tourists who travel to Thailand in terms of the amount of money spent whilst travelling.

"Thailand Is The Top Destination" For European Tourists?

This talk provides information from one of the main travel platforms regarding tourists who choose Thailand as their travel destination.