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Are "Thai Government Policies Supporting And Promoting Tourism"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the possibility of did sort of Government policies help strengthen the tourism sector? I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya News, that is, the article is titled: Thai National Park fees soar to 1.78 Billion Baht, boosted by Surge in Foreign Tourists. So interesting that there has been a surge in foreign tourists. Meanwhile, we discussed this in a prior video where they were talking about "over tourism" and "Oh, there isn't enough tourism, we are going to have an economic blight on our hands", which didn't actually happen; we saw a massive surge in tourism. Now they are starting to talk all kinds of different verbiage. Quoting directly: "On June 22nd, 2024 Mr Chaiwat Limlikit-aksorn, the Director of the National Park Office, announced the total revenue generated from National Park fees from October 1st 2023, to June 20th 2024, amounting to 1.785,493,410 Baht." So 1.7 Billion almost 1.8 billion Baht. Quoting further: "This Revenue marks a significant increase compared to 2023 which totalled 1.467,641,971 Baht. The rise in income is attributed to a surge in foreign tourists driven by Thai Government Policy supporting and promoting tourism in Thailand." What policies were those? The ones where we weren't shut down? The ones where we weren't locked down, where they actually were letting in tourists without having to go through Devil's Island down in Phuket and remain there for 2 weeks? Honestly why is the Press continuing to put it out there like the Government has anything to do with the increase in tourism? I mean in the sense that they stopped with the insane rules that they were implementing, presumably and I think as I have said in many videos in the past, I think they were acting in good faith - the WHO on the other hand I don't know - but I think Thailand acted in good faith but they did shut down the economy. So what exactly has the Government done to increase tourism other than allow tourism to continue? Explain that to me. 

No, it's the little people in their enterprises; it's the people that are in business that are vendors to tourists; it's the folks that own the hotels; it's the folks that own the tourism, sort of the tour guide companies, the travel agencies, it's those people who are just part of the economy. At the end of the day, look and I am not trying to be overly hyperbolic here but honestly and I'm kind of a small Government kind of guy, but more than that, I am not a believer in socialism. I don't believe that the Government is the driving force behind these developments. If anything these things have occurred in spite of Government intervention.