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Are Tourists "Switching Their Destinations" from Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing well “whether or not tourists are switching their destinations from Thailand”. The reason I got to thinking about this was reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: June 1 easing 'meaningless': night spots. Quoting directly: "Many tourists are switching their destinations from Thailand to neighboring countries due to COVID restrictions and entry requirements such as high value insurance, he said." And they were quoting somebody within the article. I urge folks who are watching this video who are interested in this, go check out the Bangkok Post, that article is quite insightful.

Yeah, it's a good question you know, "are people switching to other places?" I am hearing conflicting things. I also am hearing, you will read in one place that, "going to this country is super, duper easy." And then you will read from somebody who did it and I am not going to name any countries specifically, but you will read from somebody who went there going, "No it is actually pretty similar to what Thailand has got; we have got to deal with, this or that.” It can be done; you can get in the country; it may be shades of gray, to one degree or another; easier for certain things, harder for certain things.  It is a pretty mixed bag from what I have seen here in Southeast Asia.  

Now that being said, I think Thailand needs to, look, people book for High season now, over this summer, they will be booking to come here in October, November, December, January possibly even February. They are going to be booking now for the high season coming and I would really love it if Thailand just got fully opened so we can say that. We can say "look, you are not going to need to deal with these things; we are ready to host you, we are ready to see you come on in, tourists welcome." I think we really need to rethink the Thailand Pass; I think it is really time to put that aside. I don't really see how added bureaucracy mitigates against the spread if you will. Nobody has been able to sort of show me any data to that effect. So I think it is just time to move on. We are going in the right direction. Thailand is doing a good job but we just need to keep moving in that right direction.