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Best Laid Plans...

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title, well the title of this video may not suggest, but “best laid plans”. I thought of that after thinking of the quote: "Best laid plans of mice and men." I am currently in transit and I am making this video just to kind of let folks know, clients etc. that I thought I would be able to have communication with clients and things in the last couple of days and I thought I would be able to do that while in transit. Unfortunately, due to some issues arising out of logistical problems and technical difficulties arising from the hurricane in Houston, I'm not able to really communicate fully via the way I would have otherwise liked. I very much apologize to anybody. I will get this sorted out. I apologize to those to whom this is pertinent to. I will be getting that sorted out starting this forthcoming week. I will get everybody rescheduled as best we can. I do apologize again. This was kind of an urgent family situation and we sort of tried to dovetail it with the 4th of July. I thought I'd be going back earlier; that didn't work out and then I thought I would be able to communicate a little bit better than I have been able to do due to the hurricane issues, again that have arisen and really kind of thrown all of my travel plans into disarray. 

I can say with at least a high degree of certainty that we will be back and fully operational beginning this coming week starting the 15th, and I really appreciate everybody's patience. We'll be back with you as soon as we can, thanks very much. Bye now.