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Similarities Between Thai and American Immigration Systems

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the similarities between the Thai and the American Immigration systems. An article recently came to my attention; it is a pretty good article. I am going to go ahead and put this up on screen. This is from, a Foreign Policy Magazine, the article is titled: The State Department's Visa Issuing Authority is in Crisis. A quote from that article: "The merger came around the time Consuls became responsible for Visa processing. Although DHS is practically synonymous with Immigration Policy, it handles Immigration matters only within US borders. Consular Affairs on the other hand is tasked with handling visas abroad." This model is basically the same thing Thailand uses.

So DHS, that is the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees United States Citizenship and Immigration Services used to be called Immigration Nationality Service or Immigration Nationalization Service, INS. They deal with Immigration matters internally whereas Department of State deals with issuing visas abroad. This is very similar to the setup here in Thailand which is Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues Thai Visas through Embassies and Consulates abroad while the Thai Immigration Department, the Immigration Bureau under the Ministry of Interior deals with Immigration for foreigners here in the country internally. I thought it was interesting to bring this up. It is a really good article and I am doing some discussion on this article in a number of videos on this channel we made contemporaneously with this one. 

I oftentimes like to provide some comparison and contrast so that people understand that the Thai system really actually in an Immigration context isn't all that foreign from the American system at least in the broad strokes.