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"Speculation" Is a Necessity in Immigration Law Analysis

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing speculation in the context of Immigration Law analysis. From a couple of different points of view, independently of one another, I have gotten a couple of correspondences, I actually talked to somebody where folks sort of criticize me for speculating about matters pertaining, not only to Thai Immigration but US Immigration as well.

My response to that is well it is kind of integral to trying to hypothesize what is going to happen in the future with respect to Immigration Law. I think this is safe to say in both a Thai and a US context that Immigration Law, I think people view it as far more how do I say static than it oftentimes is especially the interpretive side and especially the practical application of it at any given time. I think this is especially the case with Thailand where we haven't really actually seen the Law itself change but we have seen the regulatory structure evolve and we have also seen the practical application of laws evolve quite quickly in some situations. Now the reason for the video, it is not just like a backlash or anything, but yeah I make not necessarily predictions on this channel and I hope that I make it very clear when I am speculating, I am not seeing this in black letter anywhere but I am simply trying to infer from what we are seeing in the present, what could possibly be going on in the future. Quite frankly I think that is integral to somebody who, especially where we assist clients with Immigration matters, we try to get a feel for what things are going to look like in the future. 

Now there are some things, especially like processing times, people will contact me and say well what kind of processing time do you think it is going to be for this. Well, it is hard to say. Oftentimes it is really hard to say. I probably would have given an answer in 2019 going into 2020 that was radically different than what I give now with respect to estimated processing times on various types of cases. That said there are certain things that can be predicted to a certain degree of certainty; let's put it that way or at least to some degree of certainty. 

The thing to take away from this video and the reason I am making it is yes, I understand. I do sometimes engage in speculation as to what I think will be happening but I try to make it very clear when I do that, that that is an opinion of what I think may or will or possibly could happen but it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion.