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The Thai Baht Exchange Rate and Retirees in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the weakening Thai Baht. A recent article came to my attention from CNBC that article is titled: Once Asia's Top Performer, the Thai Baht is now Becoming the Regions Worst hit Currency. Quite frankly this doesn't surprise me at all.

Quoting directly: "The Thai Baht has plunged more than 10% against the Dollar year to date." So that is major and I am pretty sure it has weakened against other major especially Western currencies. The question is: How does this impact retirees? Well I suspect, especially for foreign retirees in Thailand especially those whose pensions and Social Security benefits and retirement benefits or if they have Investments that pay off in a foreign currency for example the Dollar just to name one, they are probably pretty happy right now. That basically results in a 10% increase in their purchasing power; it has been quite a while since we have seen that.

So, for retirees are already here that is great. Something to think about. Yes, understand getting to Thailand right now is a little bit tricky. You have got to go through a lot more steps then you used to but retiring here is still pretty good. I love it here. The weather is always great. Yeah we have to deal with a lot of the current lockdown stuff but your purchasing power is great here. I am not an economist, I don't know, but based on the horizon ahead I can't foresee that this trend is going to reverse itself anytime in the foreseeable future.