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Thais Frustrated by "Bad Driving by Foreigners"?

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As the title of this video suggests, and the thumbnail as well, we are talking yet again about so-called 'foreigners behaving badly' here in Thailand. I have sort of discussed in other videos my lamentations regarding why foreigners come to Thailand and seem to completely change; they don't act in any way like they would act anywhere else. And I have to be honest with you, this is something that I very much would like to understand but it is very unique to Thailand. I have never seen any place else where people go and they just completely, it is like a flip a switch in their brain and they do things they would never otherwise do, in all sorts of ways.

That said, I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Phuket News, that is, the article is titled: Locals vent frustration of a bad driving by foreigners on motorbikes. Quoting directly: "Local Thais have unloaded their frustration with foreigners dangerously riding motorbikes after dashcam footage of an incident." Quoting further: "The driver of the car honked once, prompting the foreigner to reply by giving the middle finger, before continuing at speed." Quoting further: "The driver of the car explained that she was driving back from Nai Harn Beach when the incident happened. The road was busy with traffic in both directions. The woman said she had slowed down because the traffic was coming to a crunch along a narrow section of the road, with the motorbike and a three-wheeler in the front while traffic continued to come from the opposite direction." So basically, what happened was a foreigner driving a motorbike got in front of a Thai car and then immediately slammed their brakes and when the Thai car kind of honked to say "hey what are you doing?" they basically turned around and flipped them off. Real classy by the way foreigners! Again, this is causing all sorts of frustration with the locals and it's probably going to come to a head in ways that foreigners are not going to like nor are they going to be able to particularly predict. 

As we have talked about in other videos, there are apps now available so locals can make direct complaints to law enforcement regarding foreigners. We've also seen incidents where direct complaints by Thais who have said "is this person still legally present in Thailand?" It turns out they weren't and they were immediately deported. I suspect this is going to happen more and more and it's probably going to happen more and more as frustration mounts from foreigners coming here and quite honestly just acting completely disrespectful, doing things that would they do that in their home country? Now, I know a lot of people are coming from places that are becoming increasingly Dystopian. But that said, is it really the greatest idea in any reasonable person's mind, to come halfway around the world to an entirely foreign country which by the way has an entirely different legal system and language that you don't understand, and to go around cutting people off in the middle of traffic and flipping them off, is that a good idea? I mean it's not prudent to my mind. 

That said, okay, not okay, but I guess if that's how you want to act, well you're probably going to find yourself with a certain level of problem here in the Kingdom of Thailand.