Home Inspections and New Requirements in Thai O Visa Applications?

Some information on whether there may be new requirements to the renewal of Thai O Visas specifically if home inspections may soon be a requirement to renew O visas

Thai Work Permits and Changes to Social Security Contributions

Some information on the change in Social Security Contributions and how this could impact foreigners doing in business in Thailand and Work Permits

It Is Always Darkest Before the Dawn...

Some insight into what the Thai Tourism sector looks like in 2021 and when it may improve

No "Vaccine Passports" for Thailand?

A follow up on the situation regarding whether "vaccination passports" will be considered for entry to Thailand

Corporate Insolvency Applications in Thailand

Some information on the steps that may need to be taken when one is applying for corporate insolvency here in Thailand

Is There a 30 Day Review for Thai O Marriage Visas?

Some insight into whether or not there will be the need for a 30-day review before the Thai O Marriage Visa is renewed for a further year.

When Is a 1 Year Thai O-A Retirement Visa NOT a 1 Year Visa?

A brief explanation on the Thai Retirement Visa being valid only up the expiry date of the Health Insurance Policy.

Making Appointments At the Thai Land Office

Some information pertaining to some upgrades to the appointment system used by the Thai Land Office which can now be done via a smart phone application.

K-1 Visas: The US Travel Docs System

A brief explanation on the Travel Docs System and how it comes into play in the K-1 visa process

Post COVID Travel: Emigration Versus Immigration

A brief discussion on Emigration and Immigration and the protocols involved with leaving a country and entering anther country especially during the response to COVID era.


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