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ResourcesThai Civil and Commercial CodeBook5Book V Family Title II Parent and Child Chapter II Rights and Duties of Parent and Child

Book V Family Title II Parent and Child Chapter II Rights and Duties of Parent and Child

Page: 206

Section: 1567 - 1573

Section 1567.- A person exercising parental power has the right :

                  (1) To determine the place of residence of the child ;

                  (2) To punish the child in a reasonable manner for disciplinary purposes ;

                  (3) To require the child to do such work as may be reasonable to his ability and condition in life ;

                  (4) To demand the return of the child from any person who unlawfully detains him.


Section 1568.- When a person who already has a child marries another person the parental power over such child is exercised by the former person.


Section 1569.- The legal representative of the child is the person exercising parental power. In case of the child being adjudged as incompetent or quasi-incompetent, the person exercising the parental power shall be the custodian or curator, as the case may be.


Section 1569/1.- In a case where the minor has been adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent and other person who is not the one exercising the parental power or the guardian has been appointed as the guardian by the order of the Court, such order shall effect the revocation of the person exercising the parental power or guardian, at that moment.

In case where the person being sui juris and having no spouse has been adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent, the parents or the father or the mother shall be the guardian or curator, as the case may be, unless the Court shall order otherwise.


Section 1570.- Notifications made by or to the person exercising parental power according to Section 1566 or Section 1568 are deemed to notifications made by or to the child.


Section 1571.- Parental power includes the management of the property of the child and such management shall be exercised with the same care as that of a person of ordinary prudence.


Section 1572.- A person exercising parental power cannot, without the consent of the child, create an obligation the subject of which is personal to the child.


Section 1573.- If the child has an income, it shall in the first place be used for his maintenance and education ; any residue thereof shall be kept by the person exercising parental power and be returned to the child. But, if the person exercising parental power has no income sufficient for living according to his condition in life, that income may be expended in a reasonable measure by the person exercising the parental power, unless it is an income derived from gift or legacy subject to the condition that it shall not be for the benefit of the person exercising parental power.