Banking And Tax Issues Associated With Buying Property In Thailand?

This is a discussion regarding purchasing property such as condos in Thailand whereby it is necessary for a foreigner to prove that the funds are brought in from overseas.

Property Tax "Discount Is Discontinued" In Thailand?

This is a talk on property taxes in Thailand in that the temporary discount that was applied during Covid has ended and the full amount will now be payable.

Required Thai Tax Filing For Visa Renewal Not "Happening Anytime Soon"?

This talk goes into Tax Law in Thailand and whether tax returns will become a requirement for Visa issuance or visa renewals in Thailand.

Expat Retirees As "Annually-Renewables" And Thai Tax Policy?

This is a talk on the issue of possible changes to Thai Tax Policy, specifically if there will be any impact on expat retirees who are in Thailand on one year non-immigrant visas.

Thai Tax Policy And "Annually-Renewable" Visas?

This in another talk on Thai Tax policy specifically relating to those who need to renew their visas annually and whether a tax filing may become a component of that process.

BRICS, OECD, SWIFT, CBDCs, "Money Laundering" And "Tax Havens"?

This talk goes into the issue of tax policy and surveillance methods in the context of personal banking which could be used to weaponize control over personal bank accounts.

Can Owners Of A Thai-American Amity Treaty Company Work Without A Permit?

This talk goes into Amity Treaty Companies here in Thailand specifically that owning and working in such a company does not exempt one from needing work authorization.

Does The Thai Government Get To Decide If Property Is Used "Appropriately"?

This talk goes into the issue of Taxes specifically regarding property tax that the Thai Government is going to levy on vacant land that they feel is not used properly.

International Tax Optimization, Thai Companies, Visas, And Work Permits?

This talk goes into the issue of benefits that can be gained by setting up a company in Thailand specifically as it pertains to tax issues.

American Amity Treaty Companies In Thailand?

This talk is to give a brief review regarding setting up a company in Thailand specifically for Americans in that they can avail themselves of the US-Thai Amity Treaty.