"Plan To Tax Foreigners Resident In Thailand" from "January 1st"?

This video again goes into the changes made to the assessment of tax liability in Thailand and issues regarding the economy of Thailand which according to some sources is actually not so bad.

So Some Guy Got Thai Tax Advice And Posted It Online?

This talk is regarding those who use the internet, to provide tax advice usually based on their own circumstance, even though tax issues are very circumstantially dependent, and differ from person to person.

Thai Tax Policy Driven By "Reduction In The Number Of Condominium Units Sold"?

This talk goes into the issue of the negative affect on tax revenue which is being blamed on the reduction in condo sales when in fact, the most likely reason is probably that the economy was shut down for a few years.

"Closing Of A Tax Loophole" In Thailand?

This is a talk to give some information on the amendment regarding assessing tax liability in that in nowadays, tax liability is assessed on one's income, no matter when it is accrued.

Thailand "Reducing Personal Income Tax"?

This talk goes into an incentive being offered to talented Thais working abroad to entice them to come and work Thailand which could be viewed as unfair to those who have always worked in Thailand.

Are Foreigners Using Thais "As Proxies" to Do Business?

This talk goes into a recent article regarding the large number of Chinese nationals who are using proxies and nominees to do business in Thailand which is illegal and could lead to serious problems.

Specific Tax Considerations for Thai-American Amity Treaty Companies?

This talk is on the topic of Tax in Thailand specifically on the assessability of monies coming into Thailand in a Tax context and how that may impact US-Thai Treaty companies.

Thai Business Setup: Social Security, Work Permit, and Visas?

This is a talk to summarize the various types of documents that are required to set up a business in Thailand many of which are cumbersome and are often best dealt with by a professional.

What's the Best Way to Set Up a Business in Thailand?

This talk goes into the new visas for Thailand which are not work authorized for those who wish to set up a business, for whom a visa which can be used to obtain work authorization would be a better choice.

Thai Tax Assessability and Liability Are Not the Same?

This topic talks about Income Tax in Thailand which even if expats living in Thailand for 6 months per year does not always automatically imply tax liability as there are other factors also to be considered.