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What "Global Shift" On Taxes & Why Thailand?
This talk goes into the issue of Global Minimum Tax as it relates to adjusting taxes on combustion vehicles in Thailand with the aim to move people over to EV vehicles which aren't even in big demand.
Retirees: Thailand Is NOT After Your Pension!
This talk goes into the change in the way that tax is going to be assessed on funds that are brought in from overseas which probably will not affect most retirees even though tax forms may have to be filed.
"Nominees by Foreign Businesses in Thailand Is a Growing Concern"?
This talk goes into the use of nominees in order to set up businesses in Thailand which is illegal and becoming of growing concern especially in the hotel industry as it will effect the Tourism sector.
Is OECD Creating a "Funnel" to Steal Wealth from Thailand?
This talk is on the OECD specifically with regard to how their tax methods such as tax alignment will result in the extraction of Thailand wealth.
ALERT: Why Is My Thai Bank Asking for American Tax and OECD Compliance Documentation?
This is an Alert regarding a comment stating that Thai Banks are now requesting some additional documentation from Americans which appears to relate to the OECD and Global Minimum Tax.
Are Thai Amity Treaty Companies Domestic American Corporations?
This talk goes into the issue of products sent to the USA by Thai Amity Treaty Companies which should probably be considered as products of a domestic corporation.
The Perils of Corporate Nominees in Thailand?
This talk goes into the legal issues that could arise regarding using nominees in order to set up a company to own land in Thailand as evidenced by a recent incident in Koh Samui.
Why Are You Trying to Get Your Tax Advice from YouTube?
Getting tax advice is necessary and as each person's circumstances are different, getting one-size-fits-all tax advice from foreigners on YouTube may not be the best move.
FATCA, FBAR, and Tax Issues for Americans Banking in Thailand?
This is a talk regarding tax for Americans in the form of FATCA and FBAR which together place more burdens on Americans living overseas than most other nationalities.
What Is This FATCA Document My Thai Bank Is Asking For?
This talk goes into the FATCA document in the context of Thai Banks whereby the banks are required to disclose information on bank accounts held by any Americans to the American Government.