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Should I Get a Thai Tax ID Number (TIN)?
This is a talk regarding misleading tax advice that is being given to expat retirees in Thailand regarding the need to get a Tax ID number which is not always necessary and may in fact be detrimental to some people.
If "Not Qualified to Answer" Thai Tax Questions Why Say Anything?
This talk goes into the issue of obtaining tax advice from persons who may not be qualified to dispense such advice especially one-size-fits-all advice, when each person's circumstance is going to be different.
There Has Been "Government Input" on Thai Tax Law "Changes"?
This talk goes into the issue regarding tax assessability of income remitted into Thailand which is of concern to many expats residing in Thailand even though the majority will most likely not be impacted at all.
Should Thai Tax Authorities Worry About "Global Practices"?
This issue of Thai Tax Law is causing a lot of consternation among expats, especially with the unclear information being put out over the internet when in fact, most expats will probably not even be impacted.
ALERT: "1,000 Arrests" in Thai Business Nominee Crackdown?
This is another Alert regarding crackdowns in Thailand which seem to becoming more common, particularly on companies using nominees, as evidenced by the large number of business recently raided.
Thai Government Should Stop "Flirtation" with Tax Nonsense?
This is a talk on Tax in Thailand in that the Government is looking at ways to increase tax revenue including increasing VAT which was met with a strong backlash.
Raids of "Law or Accounting Firms" of Foreign Businesses in Thailand?
This is another talk regarding the continuing raids by Thai Authorities on business which are involved with companies who utilize nominees in Thailand which is illegal and will result in undesirable consequences.
Should Thailand Worry About "Low Levels of Inflation"?
This is a talk on the economy of Thailand specifically that the Government is looking at various types of stimulus when in fact, the year 2024 has not been so bad at all.
When Did Thais Vote for Doubling VAT and Joining OECD?
This talk goes into the issue of Taxes in Thailand relating to the OECD which certain factions of the Government are pushing for membership, thereby creating cracks in the Cabinet.
Foreigners Arrested Regarding Business "Reserved Exclusively for Thai Nationals"?
This talk goes into yet another crackdown by Thai Police on companies that were using Thai nominees in order to circumvent the law on restricted occupations.