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Are Thais Prone To "Flouting The Law"?
A talk in reply to a recent comment on the channel indicating that foreigners can break the law in Thailand as Thais do which is an incorrect assumption because the law pertains differently to foreigners than it does to Thais.
"Big Joke" Investigating "Illegal Surrogacy Movement" In Thailand?
Another talk on Surrogacy in Thailand which although heavily curtailed has come to the attention of Big Joke following a recent incident of a Chinese man dumping a Thai woman who was carrying his child.
Thai Immigration Arrests Foreigner On "Child Sex Trafficking" Charges?
A talk to shed light on the topic of persons who victimize children in the context of Thai law enforcement which takes these types of crimes and human trafficking very seriously.
Thai Police's "Big 3" Clear Man, Wrongfully Accused, Of Murder?
A talk on Thai Law Enforcement specifically regarding the intervention of the top brass in a murder case involving a wrongly accused husband and also uncovering police misconduct.
Police In Thailand Target Drunk Driving?
A talk on Thai Police Force which have become more assiduous with law enforcement including DUI cases which although bail is possible, can still result in a long scenario dealing with the court system..
Investigation By "Big Joke" Absolves Thai Police In Sex Abuse Case?
A talk on the recent scandal involving a German documentary regarding bribes paid in Thailand which could have resulted in a detrimental impact on Thailand but has now been cleared up by Big Joke.
Thai Police's Crusade Against Child "Exploitation Rages"?
A talk on two recent articles regarding exploitation of children which the Thai Police take very seriously and some insight into the term "underage".
There's More Than One Thai Supreme Court?
A talk to provide some information on the Thai judicial system which is split up into different judicial functions depending on the subject matter.
Thai Law Does Not Utilize Precedent?
A talk on the Thai legal system specifically on the issue of precedent which although rigidly applied to in the Common Law system, is not utilized to the same degree in Thailand at all.
"Big Joke" Bribery Beef Begs Bigger Questions?
A discussion on a recent article on "Big Joke" who is again in the spotlight in relation to online gambling and some insight regarding the issue of gambling in general.