Commercial Condominiums in Thailand

A brief discussion on a commercial property development which a foreigner could own if it complied with the Thai Condominium Act regarding freehold title.

Thai Law Is Not the Common Law

A discussion on various aspects in which Thai Law is not the Common Law focusing on precedence which is not used in Thai Law

Is the Notion of Privacy a Thing of the Past?

Some insight on the notion that many people no longer view Privacy as something that should be respected.

Who Has Final Say on Lockdown Policy in Thailand?

Some information regarding Lockdown Policy in Thailand specifically who ultimately has the final authority on the ordering or lifting of a lockdown in Thailand.

Thai Foreign Condo Market "Quiet at the Moment"?

A quick discussion on the Condo Market in Thailand which is presently a buyer's market for those who are interested in purchasing a condo in Thailand.

Could Foreigners Soon Be Allowed to Buy a House in Thailand?

Some information and insight on the likelihood of a foreigner being able to purchase a house in Thailand in the future.

Newspeak, Thai Style: UnCurfews and NonLockdowns

A discussion on what is being called a "non-lockdown" and "uncurfew" in Thailand and the effect that it is having on businesses in Thailand.

At What Cost?

A discussion on the cost benefit analysis regarding the recent policy changes made which pertain to the spread of COVID-19

The "Nike Curve" in the Thai Real Estate Market

A quick discussion and some insight into the Real Estate market in Thailand in which some bargains can now be found.

Why an Alcohol Ban in Thailand?

A discussion on the measures put in place including the alcohol ban, after the third wave of COVID and the impact on small business especially restaurants whose main profit depends on the sale of alcohol.