Thai Property Title: Classification Counts

Some information on the various classifications of land in Thailand and how it effects usage of each category of land.

Is Getting Back to Normal in Thailand "Radical"?

A further talk on the re-opening of Thailand which should not be delayed in order not to be left behind other countries in the region.

Could a Weakening Thai Baht Be a Benefit to Thailand?

A discussion on the Thai Economy and the value of the Thai Baht which is weakening which may be a good thing for Thailand at the present time.

Condo Projects May "Flood the Market" in Thailand?

A quick talk on the Condo Market in Thailand in that there is an overabundance of unsold condos making it a buyer's market.

Isaan Leads the Pack in Thai Property Market?

Some interesting news regarding the Thai Property Market in that sales in the northeastern part of Thailand have risen quite dramatically compared to last year.

Where's the Data?

A discussion and some questions regarding the lack of data that supports the need for the present restrictions that are in place in Thailand.

Speculation Swirls Around the US Consulate in Chiang Mai

A discussion on the new US Consulate that is presently being constructed in Chiengmai, Thailand and some reasons that could explain the seemingly exorbitant cost for the construction.

What Is a Thai Holographic Will?

A discussion and some explanation on writing a Will in Thailand and why a a handwritten Will may not be the best way to go.

Is There a Standard Type of Will in Thailand?

Some information and clarification regarding Wills in that they should be properly formalized to avoid any problems that may arise later.

Landlord Mortgage Issues on Thai Condos?

A discussion on why it is always a good idea to carry out due diligence when looking to buy a Condo in Thailand.