Fighting Water with...Water?

Some insight from a recent article regarding enforcing certain rules that were put in place for the Songkran festival (Thai New Year).

No More Mask Mandate for Travel in the USA?

Some good news regarding wearing masks in the USA in that it is no longer a requirement to wear one when travelling on public transportation.

Is "'Consistency' the Hobgoblin of Little Minds"?

A discussion on a recent article regarding the social distancing regulations in Thailand which seem to be inconsistent even in the same province.

Foreigners and Thai Real Estate: Condos, Leases, or Something Else?

A talk on the various options that are available to a foreigner who is looking to own or live in a condo in Thailand.

Should Thailand Sign the International Pandemic Treaty?

Some thoughts and insight on the International Pandemic Treaty and if it is a good idea for Thailand to get handcuffed to an international framework that may not grasp things on a local level.

Lodging a Thai Will at a Civil Registrar Office

Some information on issues that could arise if one were to lodge a Thai Will at a local Civil Registrar Office.

Bars and Restaurants Can Open Longer in Thailand?

Some good news on the re-opening of Thailand and the relaxing of the COVID requirements in that the hours of operation for bars and restaurants are being extended.

Has Thailand's Tourism Sector Merely "Struggled"?

A discussion on tourism in Thailand which has been decimated due to the various protocols that were put in place which should now all be removed.

Stop Filming People in Thailand Without Their Permission!

A quick talk regarding invasion of privacy which is oftentimes illegal and should be avoided such as using one's smartphone to film people.

Is Thailand Choosing to De-Prioritize Tourism?

A talk and some insight on Thailand's GDP and which sector will be de-prioritized and which sectors would be given the higher priority.