Can Free People Ever Trust "The Medical Establishment" Again?

This is a talk regarding the Cannabis Industry in Thailand specifically that some medical experts are condemning Cannabis even though no data is given to support them.

Thailand's Tourism "Bonanza" During "The Green Season"?

A talk regarding the Thai Tourism Industry during the low season, specifically in Phuket, which has not seen the usual drop in visitors as experienced in the past.

"Thailand Needs To Join BRICS"?

This talk goes into the issue of BRICS, who are looking at setting up a "railroad" system much like the SWIFT system, into which Thailand is looking into.

Do "Top Medical Leaders" Have Thailand's Best Interest At Heart?

This discussion goes into the issue of Cannabis in Thailand specifically the information given to the public via the media which does seem to have supporting data.

An Albatross Is Not "Stimulus"?

This talk goes further into the issue of the Digital Handout in Thailand which the Government insists is a stimulus even though the country will go into massive long-term debt.

Funding For "Digital Wallet" "At Risk" In Thailand?

Another discussion into the proposed "digital wallet" scheme in Thailand which will put the country into huge debt when it may not even be necessary.

"Rainbow Economy Had Tremendous Potential" For Thai Economy?

This is a discussion regarding the legalization of same-sex marriages in Thailand and the positive impact that the LGBTQ community has on the economy of Thailand.