Something Has Been Bothering Me About Psychiatrists...

This talk is about a common factor between the COVID situation and the Cannabis situation which is psychiatrists, which play a role in both issues.

We Still Have A Foreign Beggar Problem In Thailand?

This talk goes into the issue of foreigners who travel to Thailand of which some take to begging on the streets which is not acceptable.

Thailand's First Mover Advantage In Cannabis?

This is a talk on the economic standpoint of Cannabis in that Thailand is in an advantageous position in many ways due to being a 'first mover' in this industry.

"Big Joke" Demands "His Reinstatement" From Thai PM?

This talk goes further into the issue of the recent suspension of "Big Joke" and whether the PM will revoke the suspension order.

The Fate Of "Big Joke" And Arrival Of Julian Assange In Thailand?

This talk is again on "Big Joke" who was suspended from the Thai Police Force against which "Big Joke" has challenged the legitimacy of the action.

Russian Financial Institutions "Making Thai Baht Transfers" Via SWIFT?

This is another talk on the issue of Banking which has seen a lot of major changes recently causing the market to react to the new restrictions including Russia.

Thailand's Comparative Advantage In Cannabis?

This is a brief talk on the Cannabis Industry in Thailand which has the potential to become a major cash crop as Thailand has a head start in growing, manufacturing and cultivating this product.