So Thailand's Proposed Digital Wallet Will "Track Fines"?

This talk goes into a recent article on the Digital Wallet which can also track unpaid traffic tickets which seems to confirm that this scheme is actually also surveillance technology.

"Big Joke" "Has One More Legal Card to Play"?

This is another talk on "Big Joke" who has recently been removed from his position in the Police Force and has now filed a complaint with the Supreme Court against this removal order.

YES! We Charge Money for Services

This is a general talk regarding receiving a service in exchange for fees which is a normal practice when one considers the service they get in return for said fees.

Thai Digital Wallet a Gateway for Wage and Price Controls?

This discussion is on the Digital Wallet Scheme in Thailand which not only will create a huge debt for the country but also seems like it may be used as a mechanism to control prices which could lead to distortions in the market.

Digital Wallet Tokens: Yet Another Reason I Don't Live in China

This is another talk on the Digital Wallet Scheme about which some people seem to be arguing for even though it will result in total surveillance of one's every financial transaction leaving no privacy.

"The New Prime Minister and His Daughter" in Thailand?

This talk is slightly political as it does relate to Thai policy and the Government in Thailand which is going through some changes which could have ramifications on the country.

Is Thailand Being Colonized by the World Economic Forum?

This is a discussion on various policies related mainly to the economy of Thailand which seem to be policies touted by the WEF but have actually led to disaster in other countries.

Are There "Moonshine" Cannabis Deaths in Thailand?

This is another talk on the topic of Cannabis which compared to other substances whether intoxicating or addictive, does not cause deaths..