Thailand Could Have a New Cabinet "By Next Week"?

This is another discussion regarding the new Thai Government which is set to have a new Cabinet royally endorsed and then installed in the near very near future.

"Trump Signals Support" for American Cannabis Legislation?

This talk goes into the issue of Cannabis specifically regarding Trump's opinion regarding creating proper laws on the use of Cannabis which is also what should be done in Thailand.

Are There Better Uses for a Half Trillion Thai Baht?

This is a discussion regarding the substantial amount of money that will be needed to fund the Digital Wallet, which could be used to fund the SSF instead.

Why is Thaksin "Appointing" Anyone?

This talk is more political in nature but could have an impact on the law and on foreigners living in Thailand in the long run.

Thai Baht Rising as "Funds Are Flowing Back to Asia"?

This talk goes into the issue of the Thai economy specifically regarding the value of the Thai currency which has gone up and may impact negatively on tourism and exports.

Who Voted For Thailand's Economy To Be "A Digital One"?

This is another talk on the Digital Wallet scheme which may result in a financial system that is in fact a totalitarian surveillance system that could even be likened to financial enslavement.

Thai Banks Tightening ID Rules for All Transactions?

This talk goes into changes to the Banking system which now includes an ID requirement for people who are conducting any form of financial transactions which seems like an invasion of privacy.