Legal Services & Resources
Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
Contact us: +66 2-266 3698
Can a Thai Will Be Written in English?
Some insight into writing a Will in Thailand with regards to the language in which the Will should be written.
Foreign Restrictions Easing in Thailand's Real Estate Sector?
Some information from a recent article regarding changes to restrictions and incentives that may be introduced regarding home ownership in Thailand for foreigners.
Does Thailand Have an Inheritance Tax?
A quick explanation regarding tax that may be payable upon inheritance of an asset in Thailand such as inheritance of a Thai condo.
Misconceptions Regarding Yellow House Books in Thailand
Some clarification regarding House Books (Tabian Baan) in Thailand specifically the purpose of the Yellow House Book.
Could Foreigners Soon Buy Land in Thailand?
A discussion and some insight on whether it could actually be possible that foreigners will be able to purchase land in Thailand in the future.
Property Title Searches in Thailand
Some insight regarding the purchase of property in Thailand and some reasons why it is a good idea to do due diligence beforehand.
Do I Need to Pay Inheritance Taxes in Thailand?
Some information on whether tax is payable in Thailand if one were left property or money as an inheritance.
Is a Thai Lease Better Than a Usufruct for a Foreigner?
A discussion on usage of property in Thailand and a comparison between leases and usufructs for a foreigner who wishes to make use of such property.
Living Wills in Thailand
Some insight and advice regarding what options are available with regards to one's life before falling terminally ill in Thailand and not wishing to be resuscitated.
Do I Need a Real Estate Agent in Thailand?
Some insight with regards to buying real estate in Thailand and the pros and cons of using a real estate agent.