Thai Immigration Services Processed Online?

Some information from the Thai Immigration to advise that their online system is now back up and in service.

What's the Status of Quarantine Protocols in Thailand?

Some recent information regarding Quarantine protocols in Thailand which state the period of quarantine has now reverted back to 14 days.

New Airline Rules for Travelers in Thailand?

A quick talk on some information from CAAT regarding protocols associated with air travel both within Thailand and probably into Thailand

Are Some Western Countries Encouraging Expatriation by Thais?

Some insight regarding the recent trend in Thailand whereby a group is urging people to leave the country and whether other countries are actually encouraging expatriation.

"Thais, Not Expats"?

A discussion on a recent article regarding whether older foreigners would also be able to get on the list for vaccinations in Thailand.

The Biggest Blunder for Thailand Since COVID-19 Began?

A discussion and some insight into the situation in Thailand over the past 3 weeks and whether the situation could have been handled in a better manner.

"Vaccine Tourism" to the USA: Buyer Beware

A brief discussion on the "vaccine tourism'" scheme that is being talked about in Thailand and problems or issues that could arise for those who partake in this scheme.

Where Do Things Currently Stand for Thai Visa Seekers?

An update on the situation in Thailand specifically with regards to the protocols for obtaining a visa to come to Thailand.

"Vaccine Tourism": US Tourist Visas and Section 214(b) of the INA

An explanation on some issues that could arise for those who wish to travel to the USA on a tourist visa as a "Vaccine Tourist".

Is There a "Formula" for Thai Business Visas?

A quick explanation on Thai Business Visas and the differences of each case which effects the analysis for obtaining and maintaining a Business Visa.