K-1 Visas From Thailand: Can You Please Just Review My Case?

This is a quick talk regarding the difference between advisory services and assistance in processing a visa case, in the context of US Immigration.

Thai Tax Policy And The Destination Thailand Visa

This is a talk on the issue of Tax in the context of the Destination Thailand Visa which permits 180 days of stay in Thailand which should result in the holder not being considered a Tax Resident in Thailand.

More Fake "Immigration Advisers" Arrested In Thailand?

This talk is a follow-on from the recent news regarding foreigners who were found to be selling fake passports against which Thai Immigration is actively combatting.

Banking Issues With The Destination Thailand Visa?

This talk is on the new Destination Thailand Visa which permits stays of up to 180 days at each entry which may pose some difficulties opening a bank account as the length of time does not meet the Tax Resident criteria.

90 Day Reporting For Destination Thailand Visas?

This is a talk on the new Destination Thailand Visa which still has some uncertainties such as the need for 90-day reporting which may actually be required in connection with the DTV.

Retirement In Thailand: Tax, DTV, And The Retirement Visa?

This is a talk to compare and contrast the Destination Thailand Visa with the Thai Retirement Visa, specifically for those who may have concerns about tax issues under the Thai Retirement Visa.

Why Seek Thai Ministry Of Foreign Affairs' Advice On Domestic Immigration?

This talk goes into the issue of internal Immigration matters which are handled solely by the Immigration Bureau even though Ministry of Foreign Affairs does issue visas through Embassies and Consulates overseas.

Beware The Direction Of Thai Officials Who Aren't Immigration?

This talk is to provide some insight into Thai Immigration matters specifically in the context of the new visas which as will all visas, domestically fall under the jurisdiction of the Thai Immigration Bureau.

Prior Divorce Documentation and K-1, K-3, CR-1, and IR-1 Visas?

This talk goes into documentation required when petitioning for either a Fiancé or Marriage Visa for the US, specifically that divorce papers from a previous marriage are also needed.

Cutting Through the Noise: The Path to Real Residency in Thailand

This talk goes into certain visas in Thailand such as the LTR and the Elite Visa, which unlike actual Lawful Permanent Residence, do not actually provide true Resident status in Thailand.