Thai Visas "Helping Foreign Criminals to Ruin Thailand"?

This is a talk on recent changes to Thai Immigration regulations which the MFA has stated will not make it easier for criminals to enter as there is a data base of Blacklisted criminals at all checkpoints.

Thailand's MFA Does Not Dictate Work Authorization Rules?

This talk is about the new visas available in Thailand aimed at promoting tourism but if one wants to work, a proper visa with proper work authorization is the best way to go.

How Long Before Thai "DTV Ambiguities Begin to Clear Up"?

This is a discussion on the newly implemented visa for Thailand, the DTV, which is being discussed a lot by the MFA but the overall process is still quite unclear.

SB-1 Returning Resident Visas vs IR-1 Or CR-1 Re-Application?

This talk is for those whose Green Card has lapsed due to being outside the USA for a long time resulting in a new Spouse Visa being sought when an SB-1 Returning Resident Visa may be a better option.

"Left to the Discretion of the Immigration Officer" in Thailand?

This is another discussion on the recent article regarding the very new visas for Thailand when in practice, it may be better to stick with existing visas until the new visas have proved themselves to be a better choice.

Do New Thai Immigration Rules Impact Marriage Visas?

This talk is about the recent changes to visa rules which still have many unanswered questions and uncertainties making it best to maintain one's present O Marriage visa for the time being.

Bank Account Setup and Thai Retirement Visas

This is a talk regarding the catch-22 situation in the context of setting up a Bank Account for a Retirement visa in Thailand in that doing one without the other is a tricky endeavour.

Thai Immigration's "Aligned With the Policy of the National Police Chief"?

This talk goes into the relationship between the Royal Thai Police and Immigration which used to have some disconnect but has been streamlined, especially following the spate of "foreigners behaving badly'.

Thailand "Elite Visa" Holders Not Impacted by New Rules?

This talk is on the recent changes to Thai Immigration such as the introduction of the new Destination Thailand Visa which still has some unknowns.

Confusion Created by Inaccurate Thai Immigration "Advice"?

This discussion goes into problems that could arise from making travel plans based on inaccurate information on Immigration protocols received from various sources on the internet.