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Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
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US Visa and Immigration Law: What Is The National Visa Center?
The National Visa Center (NVC) is an organ of the Department of State tasked with acting as a document collector and clearing house for visa petitions and applications.
American Visa and Immigration Process: What is USCBP?
The United States Customs and Border Protection Service plays a key role in the immigration process, albeit not an immediate one.
Could Consular Processing Functions Be Moved From DOS To DHS?
Since the birth of the USA, American Embassies and Consulates abroad have been tasked with adjudicating visa applications at their respective posts. However, recently officials in the US government have been discussing the notion of moving these functions from the State Department to the Department of Homeland Security.
Do Tourists Need To Have 20,000 Baht When Arriving in Thailand?
Recent reports have noted that tourists coming to Thailand were required to demonstrate that they had 20,000 Thai baht when arriving in Thailand.
US Visa and Immigration Policy: Extreme Vetting and the DS-5535
The Trump administration's "extreme vetting" protocols require the compilation of a new form: the DS-5535.
I-601 Waivers for Fraud and Misrepresentation
A finding of a legal ground of inadmissibility to the USA on the grounds of fraud and misrepresentation is a serious matter. An I-601 waiver may be the remedy.
Legal Grounds of Inadmissibility and I-601 Waivers for Prostitution
A finding by a US Embassy Consular Officer that a visa applicant has engaged in prostitution is a legal grounds of inadmissibility to the USA. In some cases, a remedy to the inadmissibility may be achieved through use of an I-601 waiver.
Thai Visas For Medical Tourists Increasingly Easy To Obtain
Thai Immigration policy seems to have shifted in favor of encouraging medical tourists to visit Thailand.
Thailand O Visa Based Upon Parentage of a Thai Child
Thai visas under the O category may be available for those foreign nationals who have a child or children of Thai nationality.
Information Regarding Thai Immigration, Visa, and Deportation Issues
Deportation and Immigration matters have become increasingly important in Thailand in recent years as heightened immigration scrutiny has resulted in higher numbers of deportations.