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Is Content Creation "Work" In Thailand?
Another talk on the issue of what constitutes work in Thailand which for some activities can be rather hard to define such as creating content for example.
Are Visa Re-Entry Permits A Cash Grab?
A talk regarding re-entry permits whether for Thailand or the USA which are not really necessary and an idea why they may be required.
Timing Of 90 Day Reporting With Thai Immigration
A talk on Thai Immigration specifically regarding the 2-weeek "grace-window" which is provided by Thai Immigration for filing the 90-day report.
Thai Police Committing Resources To Combating Visa Overstay?
This talk goes into the issue of overstay in Thailand which Immigration is taking very seriously and if one is caught in overstay could have serious ramifications.
Foreigners Reading Too Much Into Thai Border Run Rules?
This is a talk on Border Runs in Thailand which are usually limited to 2 border runs per year, no matter which method of entry one uses.
Does Thailand Really Need A Tourist Tax "To Regulate And Audit All Operators"?
Another talk on the tourism tax that has been discussed by the Thai Government for a while which the Thai PM actually thinks should be postponed for now.
Syphilis Test Still Required For Thai Work Permits?
A talk on the health requirements for obtaining a Work Permit in Thailand some of which are outdated such as the Syphilis Test.
Parameters Of The Thai O-A Retirement Visa?
A discussion to briefly compare the O and the O-A Retirement Visas specifically on the issue of a re-entry permit.
Troubleshooting Online 90 Day Reporting to Thai Immigration
A talk on one of the issues of 90-day reporting in Thailand which is one aspect of Thai Immigration which is rather bothersome for many expats in Thailand.
CORRECTION Regarding Online 90 Day Reporting With Thai Immigration
This is a correction on a specific detail in the previous video regarding the timing of online 90 day reporting.