Commercial Leasing Issues in Thailand

Some insight regarding what one should be aware of when considering leasing commercial property in Thailand.

Is This Truly an Efficient Use of Thai Public Resources?

A discussion on the reopening of Thailand in which alcohol can only be served in some "zones" and the use of police man power in the control of alcohol consumption in "forbidden" zones.

Thai Land & Property Incentives for Foreigners Not Yet "Clear"?

Some more information on some incentives that have been approved in principle to bring in "high net worth" individuals focusing on land and property.

Are Thai Condos a Good Investment?

A quick discussion regarding what should be considered when making decisions to purchase a condo in Thailand in the context of making an investment.

So, No High Season for Thailand This Year?

A discussion and some insight on the tourism industry in Thailand which has faced several setbacks with regards to the delay in reopening which for some areas has now been put back tentatively to mid January 2022.

The Buck Stops Where?

A discussion and some insight with regards to a recent article on the delayed reopening of bars and night clubs and who is actually ultimately making the decisions on this.

Whatever Happened to Medical Privacy?

A general discussion with regards to issues of privacy and most specifically why it has become normal to expect people to disclose their medical history when asked.

Is It Possible to Have "Wild Title" in Thai Real Estate Matters?

Some information on Thai Real Estate and the reason why it is not very likely to come across "wild titles" in Thailand.

Getting Arrested vs Giving Information in Thailand

Some information and insight regarding having an Attorney present when dealing with a Government agency in Thailand.

Thai Bureaucrats Should Stop "Hinting" at Totalitarian Hogwash

Some more discussion on Vaccinations and how they have seem to be becoming the basis for controlling all aspects of our lives.