Updating Executors In Thai Wills

A talk on Wills in Thailand specifically regarding why it may be a good idea to review one's Will once in a while as some of the details may need updating such as changes to the Executors for example.

Thai Wills: Can Executors Also Be Beneficiaries?

A talk on Wills specifically to provide some information regarding Executors and Beneficiaries which have different functions but can in fact be the same person.

Estate Planning In Thailand: Wills And Taxes?

A talk on the topic of Wills and Estates in Thailand specifically in the context of the new Tax Law in Thailand and if this will impact such matters as transfer of property to a beneficiary via a Will.

Upgrading Property Title In Thailand?

A talk on loans from Banks taken out by farmers inasmuch as the Government is looking into implementing "tree deeds" whereby farmers can use their trees as collateral for obtaining a bank loan.

Reciprocal Thai Wills?

A talk on drawing up reciprocal Wills which may be an optimal way to ensure that each person in the relationship inherits from the other partner if one of the couple should pass away first.

Does A Yellow House Book Impact Tax Residence For Foreigners In Thailand?

A talk on the Yellow House Book which can be used by foreigners in Thailand merely as a form of ID and has no bearing on tax or other aspects of living in Thailand.

When Should I Draft A New Thai Will?

A talk on drafting a new Will specifically for those who may have some material changes in their life resulting in the need to make changes to the existing Will.

How Long Does "Probate" Take In Thailand?

A talk on 'Probate' or succession as it is referred to in Thailand and how long the adjudication process may take in Thailand.

Transfer Of Bank Account Ownership Pursuant To A Thai Will

A talk on leaving assets in a Thai Will, specifically Bank Accounts, which is possible but there are formalities which include providing all the details about banking matters to one's lawyers in order to draw up the Will.