Spouses Waiting Abroad with K-3, CR-1, and IR-1 Visa Applicants

Some information regarding the processing time for Marriage Visas and the fact that the American counterpart can in fact return to the US first even though the Spouse's visa is not finalised.

Prior US Visa Denial and ESTA Applications

A quick explanation regarding the ESTA system and denials that could occur if one has previously been denied a Visa the the USA.

A Long Way to October in Thailand

Some information regarding travel to Thailand and certain instructions regarding various requirements such as vaccinations and quarantine relaxations etc.

Not All Lawyers Know Immigration

Some insight regarding lawyers and how they may not specialize or have in depth knowledge in all fields of law.

Retirees and Expats as Priority Traveler Groups in Thailand?

Some insight on developments that are possibly being considered regarding prioritizing retirees and expats in Thailand.

Requiem for the End of the "Free Travel" Era in Thailand?

A brief talk on travelling to Thailand and when it could be expected to become convenient again.

US Immigration: Aren't All Embassies Alike?

Some brief information regarding the US immigration process and how each Embassy may operate differently.

Update on Rules Regarding Phuket's Quarantine-Free Reopening

A further update on the information regarding the protocols and criteria for the Phuket "Sandbox" scheme for those who wish to travel to Phuket.

Comparing Thai Retirement & Marriage Visas Under Current Circumstances

A brief explanation regarding Retirement and Marriage Visas specifically in light of the present circumstances of the COVID pandemic.

Can I Apply For A Tourist Visa While Waiting For A K-1 To Process?

A quick discussion on whether it is possible for a person waiting for a Fiancé Visa to apply for a tourist visa