Pavel Durov: A Cautionary Tale on Second Nationality?

This discussion goes into the issue of having two passports which are useful for travelling but due to biometrics etc. can not be relied on as a 'cloak of invisibility'.

Trump: "No Double Taxation" for "US Expats in Thailand"?

This talk goes into a pledge recently made by Trump regarding taxes for Americans who live in Thailand in order to win their support in the upcoming election.

Who Says the Inauguration Has to Be in Washington DC?

This is a general talk regarding the Inauguration of US Presidents which are typically held in the capital but for reasons of safety using a different city for each inauguration may be a good idea.

A Major Pitfall of "Buying" a Second Passport?

The talk is on the issue of owning a second passport which nowadays does not provide ease of travel as in the past as more scrutiny is put on travellers, especially if their appearance does not match the nationality on their passport.

Interior Minister Calls for Thai Parliamentary Debate on Maritime Boundaries?

This discussion goes into the topic of Maritime Boundaries specifically on the issue regarding one of Thailand's islands which are coming under oppostion pressure in the neighbouring country.

Thai Army Concerned About "Illegal Border Crossings"?

This is a talk regarding the issue of illegal border crossings which occur quite often in the South, specifically that the Thai Army is now also taking measures to prevent such crossings.

Are Chinese Police Trying to "Sneak" Into Thailand?

This is a talk on a rather unusual and concerning situation which has come to light regarding some mainland Chinese nationals who have enrolled in a volunteer police training course in Thailand.

"All 27" Thai "Volunteer Police" "Were Chinese Nationals"?

This is a follow up on the recent story about the training course to become volunteer police which now appears to only have Chinese nationals enrolled which seems quite troubling.