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Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
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Mandatory COVID-19 Testing for Travelers to the USA
Some information on the need for travelers to the USA to either produce Negative COVID test results or proof of positive results after recovering from COVID
"All People" In Pattaya Must Vaccinate?
Some insight on a news article which seemed to raise the question as to whether all people in Pattaya would need a COVID vaccination
Are You Sure You Want to Renounce US Citizenship?
Some insight into the ramifications that could be expected if one was to renounce their US Citizenship.
Are Some Western Countries Encouraging Expatriation by Thais?
Some insight regarding the recent trend in Thailand whereby a group is urging people to leave the country and whether other countries are actually encouraging expatriation.
"Thais, Not Expats"?
A discussion on a recent article regarding whether older foreigners would also be able to get on the list for vaccinations in Thailand.
...But In My Friend's Case...?
A brief explanation regarding the fact that each case is different due to the differences in each person's situation and cannot be compared as "apples to apples".
Vietnam Immigration Update
Some information regarding some changes that may have occurred with regards to the Immigration system in Vietnam.
Proposed Changes under the US Citizenship Act of 2021
A quick discussion regarding some changes that are being suggested to the US Citizenship Act of 2021 which may change some aspects of the Immigration Law.
A "Brain Drain" from Thailand?
Some insight into articles that have been reporting that some countries are trying to attract Thais to move there.
Cambodia Immigration Update
Some information on Cambodia which is planning to re-open to tourists and the steps that are being looked in order to make it as easy as possible for travelers.