Has the US Passport Lost Its Travel Utility?

A discussion on the travel utility of passports during this "response to COVID" period and if it can be considered that the US passport has lost its travel utility.

Post COVID Travel: Emigration Versus Immigration

A brief discussion on Emigration and Immigration and the protocols involved with leaving a country and entering anther country especially during the response to COVID era.

It Is Always Darkest Before the Dawn...

Some insight into what the Thai Tourism sector looks like in 2021 and when it may improve

Long Stayers: The Savior of Thai Tourism?

A discussion on Long Stayers as being the ones who could be the salvation of tourism in Thailand as opposed to Tourism which is at a very low point at present.

Will Retirees Be the Cornerstone Of a New Expat Era In Thailand?

Some insight into the importance of retirees in Thailand and how they could be the largest group of expats in Thailand for many months to come.

Watch Out for "Embassy Parasites" In US Visa Applications

Some information and a quick warning regarding utilizing persons who call themselves "visa agents" who may not in fact be qualified to file visa applications for US Visas

Deportation from Thailand: Where Can I Go?

A discussion on what choice of destination one may have if being deported from Thailand

Could a Return of "Cheap Thailand" Be the Upshot of COVID?

A quick discussion on whether there could be a "silver lining" from the response to COVID which has brought down costs in Thailand.

Thailand Eager to Open Borders?

A discussion on whether Thailand is actually planning to open her borders up to travelers.

What Is the Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT)?

A brief explanation on the Tourism Council of Thailand and their role when compared to the Tourism Authority of Thailand