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Ongoing Compliance for BOI Companies in Thailand
Companies which have received Board of Investment (BOI) promotion benefits in Thailand must maintain ongoing compliance to keep up their certification.
How Is a BOI Company Registered in Thailand?
Registration and promotion of a Board of Investment (BOI) certified company is a different process compared to registration of a standard limited company.
Staff of Amity Treaty Companies Still Need Thai Work Permits
Notwithstanding assertions on the internet to the contrary, all staff of an Amity Treaty company need to have work permits.
Foreign Remittances From BOI Companies in Thailand
Exemptions on outbound fund remittances from Thailand are one of many possible perks associated with Board of Investment promotion in Thailand.
Rollover of Losses on BOI Companies in Thailand
Unlike other corporations in Thailand, a company promoted under the Board of Investment scheme may be able to use losses more efficiently to mitigate future tax liability of profits.
Import License & Customs Exemption for BOI Companies in Thailand
There may be exemptions made to companies promoted under the BOI for importation and customs.
Thailand May Be Relaxing Foreign Business Restrictions in 3 Areas
Thai authorities have expressed an inclination to possibly relax certain aspects of the Foreign Business Act restrictions.
Corporate Due Diligence When Buying a Small Business in Thailand
Due Diligence is necessary even when it pertains to acquisition of an SME in Thailand.
Legally Required Corporate Registered Addresses in Thailand
A Corporation in Thailand is required to have a registered commercial address.
Corporate Due Diligence in an Immigration Context in Thailand
Due Diligence genrally does not pertain to immigration, but in Thailand corporate due diligence can be very important to determine if a small company can support a work permit and/or visa.