Specific Tax Issues For American Expats In Thailand?

An article specifically for Americans regarding the upcoming change to Thai Tax policy and the fact that Thai and Amercian Tax Authorities share information with each other and if that could have implications on Americans in Thailand.

What Is An "Enrolled Agent" Of The American Internal Revenue Service?

A discussion to provide some clarification on Enrolled Agents of the IRS and how they compare to Tax Attorneys and also CPAs.

FBAR Filing Regarding Thai Bank Accounts For American Retirees

A talk regarding Bank Accounts that are held overseas by American citizens such as retirees in Thailand who maintain 800,000 Baht in a bank account for their retirement visa will have to file an FBAR.

American Expats In Thailand: Tax Filing Deadlines

A talk with regard to tax issues for American citizens who live abroad in that there is more than one deadline by which to complete the tax filing depending on circumstances.

Failure To File Tax Returns And The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

A talk regarding the Filing of Tax Returns for Americans who live outside of the US which is a requirement even for those whose income is lower that the threshold specified in the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion.

Multiple Thai Bank Accounts And FBAR Reporting For Americans

A talk for Americans who maintain bank accounts overseas in that FBAR reporting is required for one's overseas accounts it the aggregate total is over S10,000, even if some accounts have no money in them.

American Tax "Concessions" for Thai-American Amity Treaty Companies?

This is a talk on Companies which are set up under the US-Thai Treaty of Amity which means that in the context of US Law, they are considered domestic non-resident corporations.

"Lack of Political Will" for American Expat Tax Changes?

This talk goes into a recent article about comments made by Candidate Trump on tax issues for American expats specifically regarding double taxation.

Forget "Double Taxation" End Worldwide Taxation of Americans

This is another talk following a recent speech given by Trump regarding ending Double Taxation for American Expats and why it may not be such a good move especially for US expats in Thailand

FATCA, FBAR, and Tax Issues for Americans Banking in Thailand?

This is a talk regarding tax for Americans in the form of FATCA and FBAR which together place more burdens on Americans living overseas than most other nationalities.