Hope Springs Eternal for Tourism in Thailand

A quick discussion on the Tourism situation here in Thailand and plans for the upcoming re-opening of Phuket and then Thailand.

What about UnVaccinated Travelers to Thailand?

Some information regarding travel to Thailand and the protocols or restrictions if any, for unvaccinated persons who wish to come to Thailand.

A New 300 Baht "Tourist Tax" in January 2022?

Some information and insight on the possibility that the Thai Government may instigate a "tourist tax" for those travelling to Thailand commencing in 2022.

The End of Thai Special Tourist Visas?

An update on the Special Tourist Visa to Thailand which will be withdrawn from use soon.

...But In My Friend's Case...?

A brief explanation regarding the fact that each case is different due to the differences in each person's situation and cannot be compared as "apples to apples".

Appointment to Get a Passport at the US Embassy in Bangkok

Some information and recommendation regarding renewal of US Passports which are facing delays in many countries due to the present situation with regards to the response to COVID.

Thai Visas On Arrival Suspended Until September?

Some information regarding Visas on Arrival for Thailand which are temporarily suspended for the present.

K-3, CR-1, and IR-1 Visas from Thailand: Biometrics Rule Rescinded

A quick discussion on US Marriage visas and changes that may be made to the rule regarding Biometrics

Committee to Review Changes to Thai Immigration Law?

A brief discussion on Thai Immigration and whether it is be possible that some changes may be made to improve the system.

Could 90 Day Reporting Be Canceled in Thailand?

Some information regarding the 90 day reporting in Thailand which may be replaced with a computer application in the foreseeable future.