Legal Services & Resources
Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
Contact us: +66 2-266 3698
Thai Visa Issues: Does a New Passport Mean a Clean Slate?
Obtaining a new passport can make Thai Immigration processing smoother, but it cannot cure substantial problems with one's immigration history.
American Birthright Citizenship Is Not A "Legal Loophole"
Although often misunderstood, United States Citizenship gained solely from birth in the USA should not be viewed as some sort of legal #technicality".
Vietnam Has Stricter TM30 Style Reporting Compared to Thailand
In many way, the Vietnamese address reporting scheme is as strict, if not stricter, than the Thai TM 30 reporting requirements.
Living In Thailand: Are You an Expat or an Immigrant?
Those seeking a long stay in Thailand should ask themselves about their own long term intentions.
Passports, Name Changes, Biometrics and Thai Immigration
Immigration enforcement in Thailand has been substantially augmented by technology.
Immigration Watch List for Those Leaving Thailand
Many are aware of the blacklist precluding entry to Thailand, but less are aware that Thai Immigration monitors outbound travelers as well.
Thailand Residence Certificates
Those seeking driving licenses, banking facilities, or a yellow house book may need to obtain a residency certificate from Thai Immigration.
DHS Seeking Facial Recognition for All Travelers in USA
Facial recognition in increasingly wide use for travel in the USA.
Fake Lawyers and U.S. Immigration Correspondence
Unfortunately, there are a number of fake lawyers and so-called "immigration services" and "visa agents" who cannot communicate with the Department of Homeland Security.