The Royal Thai Consulate in Yokohama, Japan

Some information on the Royal Thai Consulate in Yokohama, Japan

Specific Thai Visa Issues from Australia

A brief explanation on some problems that may arise when obtaining a Thai Visa from Australia

The Royal Thai Consulate in Ube, Japan

Some information on the Royal Thai Consulate in Ube, Japan

Relocating to Thailand: The Whole Package

An introduction to what is involved when one wants to move to Thailand permanently

The Whole Package: Thai Business and Home Ownership

A continuation of the Whole Package concept focusing specifically on Thai Business and Owning a Home in Thailand

Specific Thai Visa Issues from the UK

An explanation detailing some difficult aspects that have come up when obtaining a visa to Thailand from the Thai Embassy in the UK

How Many Special Tourist Visa (STV) Holders Are Coming To Thailand?

Some information on the number of tourists who have travelled to Thailand on Special Tourist Visas

Is a 500,000 Baht Bank Balance the "New Normal" for Thai Tourist Visas?

Some information on the monetary amount deposited in a bank account that is required for those who wish to apply for a Thai Tourist Visa.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Seoul, South Korea

Some information on the Royal Thai Embassy in Seoul, South Korea

A "Clean Slate" for Thai Visa Rules?

A discussion on whether the Thai Immigration would consider overhauling the Immigration rules