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Thailand Tax Forms: PP 30 Value Added Tax (VAT) Payment Form
The Por Por 30 is the form used for VAT filings in Thailand.
Thailand Tax Forms: Form PND 1 for Tax Withholding from Salaries
The Por Ngor Dor 1 is used when filing tax documentation pertaining to salary and payroll withholding.
Thai Tax Form PND 2 Withholding of Corporate Dividends and Interest
The Por Ngor Dor 2 form is used to report earnings on corporate dividends and similar income.
Thailand Tax Forms: PND 51 Semi-Annual Corporate Tax Return
In Thailand, corporations are required to file both an exhaustive annual tax report, but also a semi-annual assessment of the company's financial status.
Thailand Tax Form PND 50: Annual Corporate Income Tax
Thai Companies are required to file an annual audited corporate financial statement and balance sheet along with paying taxes.
Thailand Tax Forms: PND 91 Personal Income Tax Form
Much like the United States, a yearly income tax return must be filed in Thailand.
Thai Tax Forms: PND 54 Withholding Tax & Profit Remittance Return
The Por Ngor Dor 54 is used to remit and report certain types of withheld remuneration.
Tax Holidays for Companies Promoted by the BOI in Thailand
Some companies may receive exemption from paying corporate income tax in Thailand if promoted by the BOI.
Corporate Due Diligence for Tax Compliance in Thailand
In the context of mergers and acquisitions due diligence is prudent with respect ensuring tax compliance with respect to the corporation concerned.