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Thai Condo Ownership and Pink ID Card Issuance?
A discussion on ID Cards in Thailand specifically in the context of owners of Thai Condos who are issued with a Pink ID Card.
Thai Condos: Cost Factors Many People Overlook
A talk to provide some information with regard to expenses that arise related to condos which many people may not be aware of when making the purchase.
Condo Issues in Thailand in 2023
An update on general information regarding ownership of a Condo in 2023 focusing on if any changes can be expected.
How Many Thai Condos Can a Foreigner Own?
A talk on ownership of a Condo in Thailand, specifically is the context foreigners who may own more than one condo as long as it complies with the applicable law.
Tax Implications of Thai Condo Ownership?
A talk on foreigners owning condos in Thailand specifically regarding tax liability which could be possible in some circumstances.
Thai Companies Used to Own Condos?
A discussion on Thai Condos specifically in the context of putting the condo into the name of a Thai Company which could have negative consequences.
What Is the Definition of a "Condo" in Thailand?
A discussion to answer a recent query and some background and history regarding Condos in Thailand.
Thai Condo Ownership: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
A discussion to provide some ideas regarding the benefits that are gained from owning a Condo in Thailand compared in relation to the cost.
"Splitting a Condo" in Thailand?
A discussion on the issue of sharing a condo in Thailand with another person, in that they may either alternate times or share a large unit and if it is possible to have both names on the title deed.
Foreign Ownership of Thai Condos Increases Over 40 Percent?
A discussion on Thai Condominiums which are gaining in popularity amongst foreigners as evidenced by the increase in the number of condos owned by foreigners.