When Should I Start Working on a Thai Permanent Residence Application?

Some insight and suggestions as to the best time to commence the process for a Thai Permanent Residence Application

Can I Be Deported from Another Country to Thailand?

Some insight into whether a person being deported from one country can choose to be deported to Thailand.

The Royal Thai Consulate in Kolkata, Republic of India

Some brief information on the Royal Thai Consulate in Kolkata, India

Thai Retirement and Marriage Visas: Comparing Financial Requirements

A brief discussion on what the reasons may be behind the differences in the financial requirements for Thai Retirement Visas and Thai Marriage Visas.

Thai Retirement Visas: Are Some Insurance Policies Better Than Others?

Some insight on the type of insurance policy one should use in order to get a Thai Retirement Visa.

When Is a 1 Year Thai O-A Retirement Visa NOT a 1 Year Visa?

A brief explanation on the Thai Retirement Visa being valid only up the expiry date of the Health Insurance Policy.

Is There a 30 Day Review for Thai O Marriage Visas?

Some insight into whether or not there will be the need for a 30-day review before the Thai O Marriage Visa is renewed for a further year.

No "Vaccine Passports" for Thailand?

A follow up on the situation regarding whether "vaccination passports" will be considered for entry to Thailand

Home Inspections and New Requirements in Thai O Visa Applications?

Some information on whether there may be new requirements to the renewal of Thai O Visas specifically if home inspections may soon be a requirement to renew O visas

Has the "2 Week Millionaire" Era Ended in Thailand?

A brief discussion on the tourists or "2 week millionaires" and if they will return to Thailand in the future.