The End of Quarantine in Thailand in 2022?

A discussion on whether or not quarantine in Thailand will be completely lifted by 2022

Thailand As a Medical Hub for Chinese in ASEAN

Some discussion on the possibility that Beijing will designate Thailand as the regional vaccine centre for Chinese citizens who live in ASEAN.

Thailand Elite Visas Must Still Be Extended

A brief reminder that even though Elite Visas are valid for 5 years, they still need to be extended yearly.

Tracking Bracelets for Tourists in Thailand?

Some information regarding steps that may be taken to keep track of tourists to Thailand using a tracking bracelet.

90 Day Reporting Dates Are Not Thai Visa Expiration Dates

A quick explanation on the difference between 90-reporting dates and the date of expiration of Thai Visas

An End to Certificates of Entry for Thailand?

A discussion on whether the Certificate of Entry is no longer going to be required to enter Thailand

Thai COVID Insurance Required for Vaccinated Travelers?

A quick discussion on COVID Insurance and if vaccinated travelers still require to obtain such insurance and if so for how long.

Certificates of Entry to Morph Into Vaccine Passports?

A discussion on the possibility that the Certificate of Entry may soon be phased out and replaced with a Vaccine Passport.

Thai "Vaccine Passport" Scheme in Three Months?

Some more information on Vaccine Passports and the idea that Thailand will be entering into vaccine passport deals with other countries.

Are "Vaccine Passports" Becoming "Travel Bubbles" to Thailand?

Some information on bilateral agreements Thailand is considering with countries that have a low incidence of COVID