Why Are Thai Entertainment Venues Blamed for the "Third Wave"?

A discussion and questions on the COVID-19 pandemic and why the entertainment sector seems to have been singled out as the culprit for the "third wave".

Legal Casinos in Thailand?

Some more talk on legal casinos in Thailand which will be put to the House by a member of one of the Political Parties here in Thailand.

Thai Official Reaffirms Vaccination "A Matter of Volunteering"

Some clarification with regards to vaccinations in Thailand insofar as up to now, they are on a volunteer basis and not mandatory as stated by an official at the Thai Public Health Ministry.

Why Not Shut Down Everything in Thailand...Forever?

A talk on Omicron, the most recent variant of Coronavirus and how another lockdown would devastate the country which badly needs to get back up and running.

A New "Casino Commission" in Thailand?

some more information regarding Casinos in Thailand specifically that a Commission will be set up to discuss the legalization of gambling in Thailand.

Vendors in Pattaya "Rejoice" at Easing of Alcohol Ban

A talk on a recent article which indicates that alcohol sales are starting up in Pattaya which has been banned for a long period of time.

Must I Forever Be Stabbed in the Head to Travel?

A discussion on the notion of constantly having to go through checks and swabs and tests in order to travel and whether this is going to go on forever.

Syphilis Tests, Mask Mandates, and Traffic Lights in Thailand

A discussion on various regulations and practices that are now outdated and unnecessary and whether they should be discontinued.

The Politics of Saturday Night

Some thoughts with regards to what has been accepted as the "new normal" and hopes that Thailand will move ahead and be on the right side of the Politics of Saturday Night.

Does Thailand Really Need a CESA?

A discussion on the CESA and some insight on whether or not Thailand really needs to set up another Committee.