The Royal Thai Consulate in Xiamen, Peoples Republic of China

Some brief information on the Royal Thai Consulate in Xiamen, China

Thai Immigration's TM47 90 Day Report Form in 2021

Some brief information on the need to continue with 90 day reporting in 2021 after being put on hold due to the response to COVID-19

Why Further Quarantine in Thailand Past the Final COVID Exam?

Some insight into the reasoning behind persons who are quarantined having to stay more that 14 days in the Quarantine Facilities.

The Royal Thai Consulate in Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Some brief information on The Royal Thai Consulate in Vladivostok, Russian

Traveling to Thailand from the UK

Some insight into the steps to be taken in order to travel to Thailand from the UK at the present time; specifically during the COVID era.

Thai Retirement Visas: Is There a 30 Day Review Period?

Some insight into the 30-day review periods and whether they also apply to Thai Retirement Visas

The Royal Thai Consulate in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Some brief information on the Royal Thai Consulate in St. Petersburg, Russia

The Royal Thai Embassy in New Delhi, Republic of India

Some brief information on the Royal Thai Embassy in New Delhi, India

Thai O vs O-A Retirement Visas: Pros and Cons

A brief comparison between the Thai O and Thai O-a Retirement visas categories.

The Thai Immigration TM7 Visa Status Extension Form in 2021

Some information on the Visa Extension process in Thailand in 2021 compared to the past.